AUDITION - "Merchant of Venice"


Please spread the word about The Merchant of Venice.  We auditioned this play in 2013 during the Bundaberg flood, but unfortunately we were unable to cast the production.  It was decided, due to the extraordinary circumstances, that those members who had been offered a role, would be given the option of accepting the part when the play finally went ahead. For this reason, you should note that the availability of roles will be advertised at the information evening.


Audition will be held on Tuesday 21st April, 7:30pm, at the Playhouse Theatre.


View Rehearsal Schedule  


Here is the play’s cast list;


C E N T R A L  C H A R A C T E R S :


Shylock: A Jewish moneylender in Venice ... Cast in 2013 - Phillip Fresta


Portia: A wealthy heiress from Belmont ... Cast in 2013 - Bex Hutchins


Antonio: The merchant whose love for his friend Bassanio prompts him to sign Shylock's contract and almost lose his life.... Not yet cast


Bassanio: A gentleman of Venice, and a kinsman and dear friend to Antonio.... Not yet cast


Audition Piece for Antonio, Bassanio, Solanio and Salerio



S M A L L E R  R O L E S :


Graziano: A friend of Bassanio’s who accompanies him to Belmont. A coarse and garrulous young man, Grasiano is Shylock’s most vocal and insulting critic during the trial ... Cast in 2013 - Shaun Norden


Jessica: Although she is Shylock’s daughter, Jessica hates life in her father’s house, and elopes with the young Christian gentleman, Lorenzo... Not yet cast


Lorenzo: A friend of Bassanio and Antonio, Lorenzo is in love with Shylock’s daughter, Jessica. He schemes to help Jessica escape from her father’s house, and he eventually elopes with her to Belmont.... Not yet cast


Nerissa: Portia’s lady-in-waiting and confidante. She marries Graziano and escorts Portia on Portia’s trip to Venice by disguising herself as her law clerk... Not yet cast


Lancelot Gobbo: Bassanio’s servant. A comical, clownish figure who is especially adept at making puns, Lancelot leaves Shylock’s service in order to work for Bassanio. His character acts a comic motif appearing in a number of scenes throughout the play... Not yet cast


Audition Piece for Jessica and Lorenzo


Audition Piece for Lancelot Gobbo


Audition Piece for any other roles that become vacant on or before audition



M I N O R  R O L E S : (One or two scenes only. Would not be required for every rehearsal)


Prince of Morocco: A Moorish prince who seeks Portia’s hand in marriage. An actor who naturally possesses a ‘dark countenance’ would be ideal for this part... Not yet cast


Audition Piece for Prince of Morocco


Prince of Aragon: An arrogant Spanish nobleman who also attempts to win Portia’s hand by picking a casket... Cast in 2013 - Daniel Hand


Salerio: A Venetian gentleman, and friend to Antonio, Bassanio, and Lorenzo. Salerio escorts the newlyweds Jessica and Lorenzo to Belmont, and returns with Bassanio and Graziano for Antonio’s trial.... Not yet cast


Solanio A Venetian gentleman is a frequent counterpart to Salerio... Not yet cast


Duke of Venice: ruler of Venice, who presides over Antonio’s trial... Cast in 2013 - Tony McGovern


Old Gobbo: Lancelot’s father, also a servant in Venice... Not yet cast


Tubal: A Jew in Venice, and one of Shylock’s friends... Not yet cast


Balthasar: Portia’s servant, whom she dispatches to get the appropriate materials from Doctor Bellario... Not yet cast


Assorted slaves attendants to the Prince of Morocco: Not yet cast


Ladies in waiting  to Portia: Not yet cast 


Assorted attendants: Not yet cast 


Audition Piece for any other roles that become vacant on or before audition



Link to Online Script for The Merchant of Venice



Link to Online Script for The Merchant of Venice with modern english translation






Last Updated ( Wednesday, 01 April 2015 )