Want to get involved in theatre? Do you see yourself as a star on the stage? Do you enjoy helping people? Would you like to work behind the scenes? If so, consider becoming a member of Bundaberg Players Incorporated (BPI). For a small annual fee you receive great benefits over non-members. You don't have to have any theatrical experience to join, if you can hold a paint brush or a broom you can help, if can't don't worry we can teach you. Member's are asked to volunteer their time & participate, in whatever capacity they can, in the maintenance and operation of the theatre facilities. Running an amateur theatre company involves many departments, here are a few areas in which member's can participate & assist:

Senior Membership Senior Membership is the most common type of membership and is open for anyone, of any age. As a Senior Member, you can participate in any performance, in any way, performed by Bundaberg Players Incorporated during your membership year. Senior Members receive one complimentary ticket for each production staged by Bundaberg Players Incorporated at The Playhouse Theatre (except Theatre Restaurants), a complimentary program, a copy of the newsletter - 'Players Pars' each month, insurance cover at the complex and other great benefits. Senior Membership costs $50.00, or $40 if paid by January 31, and is for a calendar year (1st January to 31st December). If you are interested, PLEASE COME TO THE THEATRE ON SUNDAY MORNINGS - 10AM to 12PM - and we will be happy to show you around! PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to come & watch each production but don't wish to participate in membership duties, you may like to consider becoming an Annual Subscriber.
Youth Theatre Membership Youth Theatre is open only for persons aged between 10 and 18. Youth Theatre Membership involves workshops being conducted on Wednesday evenings from February to July, when the Youth Theatre Production is performed. Registration details can be found on the Youth Theatre page.
Life Membership Life Membership cannot be purchased nor is it automatically given, but is awarded to certain members who have shown dedication and loyalty. To be considered for Life Membership, you must have been an active Senior Member for a minimum of ten years and held a position of office. Life Membership is awarded to a member by the committee usually at the Annual General Meeting.
Annual Subscriber Bundaberg Players Incorporated (BPI) is proud to be supported by a large number of patrons who take out annual subscriptions to our shows. Subscribers save money, get access to our booking system before it opens for general sale. If you enjoy our performances and attend our theatre regularly perhaps you should consider becoming a subscriber. Please Note: - We reserve the right to modify our program at any time.
- Annual Subscribers are not members of Bundaberg Players Incorporated (BPI).
- Annual Subscribers are valued patrons who pay in advance to see all the listed shows they are able to.
Bundaberg Players Incorporated is very grateful for the continued support of its Subscribers